So how do schools benefit?

SchoolCool is just the tip of the iceberg. Behind it relies a fully robust cloud platform backing everything, and keeping everything playing together smoothly.

The reasons...
Often schools have one software for each thing: Parents communications, Attendance, Grades, Infirmary, Payments, etc... Each of these managed by a different app/web, from different providers, different capabilities with lots of incompatibilities; and worst thing is they not integrate between them. Results in a hassle to manage the school data reliably.

It is unrealistic to say there is a "single software for everything", but is quite realistic to have a central place that integrates all of them. At JDB we do great when it comes to interconnecting things. We can become your central place. Of course you could try our built-in modules, and if still prefer your own tools, integration is not an issue for us.

The end goal is that your school staff only does things ONCE and in ONE PLACE, and not multiple micro-efforts to keep all systems in sync. If this is achieved, rest assured that parents will enjoy that same oneness.
Administrative dashboard.

Access/permissions control.

Responsive for tablets and mobiles.
You can have a single place for parents to connect to. No longer need to struggle explaining which application to use for each specific thing.

You'd simply advertise either your SchoolCool agent (WhatsApp contact) or your main app, which of course are interconnected.

Jumping between a WhatsApp conversation with SchoolCool into the app and vice-versa it's just a breeze, and your users will stick to it because users love simplicity of use.
One of the most common reasons why parents do not actively use school's apps/websites is because they forget the username/password.

SchoolCool solves this problem by having an ultra-simple, password-less and automatic login technology.

Parents will just ask SchoolCool that they want to use the app, and that's it.
As said before, we love integrations and we can do that for your specific needs. From old 80's mainframe systems to modern state-of-the-art cloud based solutions, we can integrate them all.

Once your applications are integrated, your staff can focus on what matters.
The About page is the core description of your website. Here is where you let clients know what your website is about. You can edit all of this text and replace it with what you want to write. For example you can let them know how long you have been in business, what makes your company special, what are its core values and more.

Edit your About page from the Pages tab by clicking the edit button.